Down on Bended Knee

With our 4 year anniversary just a few days away and the 5 year anniversary of our engagement just passing I thought it would be fun to share our proposal story!  Who doesn’t love a good story?!?!?!
Let’s rewind to 2013, gosh that seems like eons ago! I had just returned from a trip to Peru and I was working as a store Manager in retail. So weekends off we’re hard to come by. My good friend Jenny invited me to go to a rooftop cubs game(on a Saturday for free). If you’ve never been to one you are definitely missing out. Whether you are a cubs fan or not! It’s baseball at its finest. So, I politely declined and Dusko was like what do you mean? It’s birthday month. Blah, blah, blah. This should have been a trigger to me as he is actually a White Sox fan(I know, hard to tell sometimes🤣). So all week Dusko & Jenny tried to convince me to go to this baseball game. All the while I was convinced I had to work! So I finally agreed to work a half day(because major fomo) and got to the rooftop right at game time.
So, I left work honestly not even looking super cute. Just rushing to get out to go join 3 people on a beautiful Saturday. Well, to my SURPRISE!!!!! There was a whole Birthday Party of family and friends waiting for me to get there! I truly was so surprised. If you have ever been thrown a surprise party it definitely “throws” you off! I was totally on surprise party high, even my brother, sil, and niece were in from out of town. So in my mind, that was The icing on the cake.
So, around the 3rd inning, I’d finally kind of calmed down from the BIG surprise to Dusko telling me to open my present. Now, I LOVE presents. Come on, like who doesn’t?? But, we were not the only people on this rooftop and I was like oh my gosh, I can wait. Let’s do it later. Well, he basically forced me to open it. This was Very overwhelming because it was a purse I had been wanting for awhile. The LV speedy in azul damier. So, I was super excited. Like in this moment, day fulfilled. In fact, year fulfilled (sounds so bad but before kids all I wanted was new handbags: still do, just can’t buy them anymore 😭🤣😭). If you are still with me, thanks because this is getting really long!!!
Then all of a sudden I turn around and he’s holding a ring(there was also a teddy bear and a card involved-dets are a little blurry at this point of my life).  I honestly am not even sure what he said because I started crying and was like, “what the **** is going on?” Not exactly how I thought I would respond but My mind, body, everything was on major overload in this moment. And then, this entire rooftop of people start clapping and congratulating us.  I mean to this day, I have never been so shocked or surprised.  I always said I would never want a public engagement and he knew this too.  To be honest though, it was super special that my family and close friends were there.  Plus, we got to have a big party to celebrate in the moment!
There is nothing better than surprises, I mean, I don’t care if they aren’t material.  It is just so fun to be caught off guard by something that just makes your day.  Enjoy the pics below, they have horrible filters from my instagram!!  lol.  Totally aging myself here.
I absolutely LOVE weddings, engagements, and all things to do with weddings.  How did you get engaged?!?!?!   Do tell……



This is a recent pic of us leaving a Cubs game!


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