My Journey to A Safer Lifestyle

“No, I wouldn’t suggest using that. Your skin is your largest organ. It absorbs everything.”  -my midwife I had when I was pregnant with Max.  This was in reference to using sunless tanning lotion while pregnant. Because, obviously if I was feeling fat, being tan would make me feel way better, right?  Well, I have only used sunless tanning lotion one time since then. It’s been 3 years and that is saying a lot from a recovering tan towel aholic. I have to be completely honest, I think I knew all of those lotions had to be bad for me. They would literally make me sweat profusely. Not to mention, Amanda, I am SO sorry I was that tan and gross in your wedding 🤣. Ugh, that also reminds me-tanning beds. How was that even a thing?  I mean, baking in between two sheets of lamps????

Real life: My first time in a tanning bed I freaked and got out because:

A-I was chlostrophobic and

B-I thought the plexi glass was going to shatter and I would burn to death. I probably wasn’t that far off, those things were bad. Very bad.

If you have read this far, thanks for stopping by!

Back to my point, I guess the gist of my Journey to A Safer Lifestyle is that once I had kids it wasn’t just about me anymore. I want to be around as long as I can for them and if that means changing what I can control than I am going to do the best I can!  Is it realistic to download the ewg app and throw everything away and replace it all immediately?  Probably not for the majority of society. Mainly for financial reasons.

Some of the things I have switched are:

1-Makeup & Skincare. If you have ever tried Beautycounter you will understand why. The products are top notch, I mean founded in Santa Monica, classy, classy ladies❤.

Let me just ask you this?  If you knew that most of the cosmetics and skincare you were using today had Questionable ingredients that almost all other countries ban besides the USA, would you keep using the products?  Me either. Beautycounter has banned over 1500 ingredients that they consider potentially harmful. It’s called the Never List, check it out here.

2-Household Cleaners, I pretty much just use Norwex cloths and some of their cleaners.  I have always had a sensitivity to these chemicals so this was a no brainer for me.  But, again, I never wanted to clean the bathrooms when Max was little because I didn’t want him smelling and licking it!!!

3-Perfume, ugh  This one was going to be hard I thought.  I was the girl that wore multiple perfumes just because I loved scents!  I was wrong, once I just stopped wearing it I actually stopped even caring.  Infant, after 3 years of no perfume, I have finally added all of my old bottles to my garage sale pile!  Check out this article on how bad fragrance is and the lack of regulation here.

So, here I am, just a girl trying to lead a safer lifestyle for myself & my family❤.

Have any of you switched out something you consider to be potentially harmful ingredients?  Would love to hear about it!

Please comment below!




*Disclaimer: These are all my personal opinions & viewpoints, although I think my skin has never looked better!


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